The Fussy Dog Co is a maker of premium pet food products including dried dog gravy products made from premium New Zealand ingredients, these products have been sold through a wide variety of online channels and through major pet food retailers and stores.


The Fussy Dog Company Limited was founded in 2020. The business grew organically over the following two years and peaked at being sold in over 150 retailers in New Zealand. With this organic growth, the business moved into a second factory and gained its RMP / export license from Ministry of Primary Industries, as well as its global B-Corp environmental and social accreditation making it one of only 9 pet food manufacturers globally to have this recognition.


This tender is for the assets of the company including the website, social media channels all recipes and marketing material, packaging design, distributor channels and plant and machinery.


Tenders Close 13th May 5:00pm


Seven Sharp Fussy Dog TV Interview 

Stuff Article

The Spinoff Article

Tender Documents

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